What We Do
We operate solely out of foster homes, which are crucial to our ability to take in and protect cats until we find their forever homes. Foster houses are ideal because foster parents get to know the personalities of the cats, allowing us to match the right cat to the right forever home.
All of our cats are healthy and ready for adoption: they are all tested, spayed/neutered, treated for fleas/worms, and vaccinated. We work with rescue-friendly vets and clinics who understand and support our mission.
We work primarily with the following veterinarians:
Animedic Vet Clinic
Caring for Cats (Dr. Mara Guth)
Chestnut Hill Cat Clinic
Compassion Vet Clinic
Liberty Vet Clinic
Northern Liberties Vet Center
Steinbach Vet Hospital
Veterinary Specialty Emergency Clinic (Dr. Jerome Glickstein)
Wissahickon Creek Vet Hospital
In order to reduce the suffering caused by the over-population of cats and kittens, we engage in trap, neuter, release (TNR) activities, trapping large groups of cats living in colonies. All cats are sterilized, vaccinated, and ear-tipped (the universal symbol that a cat has been sterilized). Cats that are clearly feral are returned to their colonies; cats that have clearly been socialized are placed in foster homes until permanent homes can be found.